Case 1
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Water Leakage at Sanitary Pipe
Type of Building: Public
A PVC drainage pipe is illustrated in the figure. It provides a receptacle for spills, wash down, and effluent to be collected and routed directly into the sanitary drainage piping system. Penetrations at floors minimize the homogeneity of the waterproofing membrane. Therefore, these types of penetrations are recommended to be reduced to minimize the water leakages. If pipes share common stacks, the number of penetrations can be minimized.
Water seepage through the slab of a wet area could take place through (a) porous concrete, (b) cracks, (c) joints, and (d) pipe penetrations. The watertightness of the slab relies mainly on the detailing of waterproofing over discontinuities such as joints and penetrations. The lack of detailing at these discontinuities would likely result in water seepage. Details such as lapping at critical locations are important for the waterproofing system to form an effective barrier against water seepages.