Case 1
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Type of Building: Carpark
Paint blistering, peeling and flaking in a basement is often associated with moisture. For paint flaking and peeling associated with material and other issues, please check out similar topic under:
Wet Area > Architectural > Paint Defect
Paint flaking and peeling associated with moisture in a basement may appear in different forms:

In this case, paint peeling is found at the floor column joint. It is believed that the paint defect had resulted from a leakage through the cold joint between the column and the slab, as visible water stains can be seen around the column. The pressure from the water is capable of pushing the paint film off the surface.
Joints are always the weakest points of any structure in terms of water tightness. When water pressure builds up against the concrete structure, the joints may become relief points for water seepage. Therefore, these joints are critical locations for pressure built-up behind the paint.