

Roof’s function as a shelter over one’s head. It serves to enclose a space, prevent the penetration of inclement weather, and control heat gain or heat loss. They may be classified as flat roofs, pitched roofs and curved roofs. Flat roofs (roofs that slope at less than 10 degrees) are usually selected for storage, recreation and maintenance uses, while pitched roofs are chosen for their easy design and construction. A pitched roof ’s slope allows it to shed water quickly, while the airspace within the roof envelope provides good thermal insulation. Curved roofs (e.g. shell roof, vaulted roof, dome, etc.) are selected primarily for artistic and architectural expression. Shell roofs are three-dimensional structures built with an arched solid slab or membrane functioning as a stressed skin to transmit loading to a point of support. Roof durability is attributed to material selection and workmanship, while the main concern in the design and construction of durable roofs lies in the roof ’s compatibility and performance within the system.

Article – Flat Roof Waterproofing Systems in Singapore (Roof-2.pdf)