Leaf Damage
Leaf damage
Leaves on Vertical Greenery System (VGS) may be damaged due to external causes such as heavy rainfall, human traffic, as well as pests.
- Leaf damage by heavy rain
Heavy tropical rainfall and strong winds can dislodge the leaves off the VGS and thus damaging the leaves. With that, it is essential to consider rainfall intensity and other aspects such as plant species substitution, site location of the VGS and weather should be considered during the design stage of the VGS to ensure plant survival.
- Leaf damage by human and goods traffic flow
Cases with VGS being placed in contact or near human traffic such as orchid plants, which are installed into the panel modules in the green wall columns, are found to be dying in an alarming rate during the first few months of installation, resulting green wall column to be left bare and empty. Thus, interactions between the VGS and external factors such as human and goods traffic flow should to be analysed for feasibility during the design stage.
- Leaf damage by pests
Since pests are commonly found in plants, considerations for regular pest control and determining the VGS height and location should be taken into account to allow good accessibility for pest control during the maintenance stage.