Case 1


Maintenance and Diagnostics

Repair of spalled surfaces should be done by cutting loose and flaking material to the base and replacing
with new bricks or blocks or made with layers of mortar. Consolidate weathered masonry (to stabilise the degradation) in accordance with SS 509-2, BS 8221-2 or equivalent. Maintenance and repair of renders should be carried out in reference to BS EN 13914-1, ASTM C926-20 or equivalent. Attend to cracks on the façade surface promptly to control moisture ingress in order to avoid delamination. Re-tile deboned tiles or over-clad existing façade to remedy delamination (see also BCA’s guidelines for periodic structural inspection of existing buildings).

Diagnostics of Defect (see also NDT)

Hammer Tapping Test

Tapping test may be used to detect hollowness, delamination, spalled or debonded plaster by listening to the ‘void’ sound.

Hollowness Test of plaster – Courtesy of Aramco

Pull Out (Pull-off) Test

Weber Tile Pull-Off Test On Site – Courtesy of Saint-Go