Fire Protection


Any shutdown due to maintenance should be notified to fire authority in advance. This is especially applicable if the automatic sprinklers are under maintenance. Such shutdown should be scheduled during normal working hours and finished in shortest possible time. If required, special precautions such as fire petrol, temporary water connection etc should be employed.

Grading for maintenance

Factors Criteria to consider for grading Grade
Maintenance practice
  • The guideline mentioned in the section (Table #-#) is followed strictly.
  • For any frequent problem a thorough investigation and permanent solution should be searched.
  • Fire drill is carried out on regular basis.
Maintenance as per guideline. No more action for a better performance. 3
No action taken as the system is not in regular use. 1
Age of building Ranges from 1 to 30 years. 5 – 1
Level of usage Emergency escape is never used in normal condition 5
Emergency routes are under normal use i.e. fire doors are used frequently 1
Vandalism due to poor discipline Low. E.g. regular workplaces like office or industrial: buildings. 5
Moderate. E.g. hotels. 3
Poor. E.g. shopping complex 1

Guideline for maintenance of detector and alarm

Action Grading criteria Freq.
  • Main alarm panel is cleaned for easy operation, opening and visibility.
  • Removal of paint, dust or any foreign material from detector that can affect its function.
Simulation test
  • Fire alarm is simulated from any detector to check the whole system.
  • Fire alarm test on all alarm zones to ensure each part is functional, especially whether the remote auxiliary facilities are initiated or not.
  • Main power supply failure is simulated and the efficiency of the standby battery to operate the system is tested.
  • Upon disconnecting the battery, the visual and audible fault signals are checked for their activation.
  • Note: All switches are reset in operating condition after fire simulation test.
Check & record
  • Visual inspection for any faults in any elements of the system. If required, fire petrol should be arranged unless the fault is rectified.
  • Battery voltage, terminals and the overall condition.
  • The correctness of specific gravity and the level of electrolyte in each cell (if applicable).
  • Corrosion in battery cabinet
  • Storage of battery in a safe, dry and clean area.
  • Battery volt and charging current as per manufacturer’s specification.
  • Condition of components, termination and cables in alarm panel.
  • Alarm sounder, indicators on alarm panel and fault signals.
  • At least 20% of the detectors are tested such that all are covered in 5 years. This 20% should be as spread over as possible over the entire building.
  • Voltage output of the circuit.
  • Faults, replacement and repairs are recorded in a log book that contains ‘as fitted’ drawings.
As done

Guideline for maintenance of fire hydrant and hose

Action Grading criteria Freq.
Fire hydrant & accessories
  • No obstructions (debris, stacked material) impeding accessibility.
  • Storage tank.
  • The rust, dirt, foreign material on valves, or other operating parts should be cleaned, painted and lubricated.
  • All isolating valves kept locked in open position.
  • Proper operation of breeching inlets.
  • Any leakage, blockage, pressure of both dry and wet riser.
  • Thorough check of booster pump and associated M&E equipment.
  • Thorough checking of all private hydrants by a competent professional.
Test & record
  • Wet tests on both dry / wet riser for any leakage. After testing the system is reset to working condition.
  • Inspection tests and maintenance work performed in a log book
As done
Fire hose
  • Removal of furniture, equipment, stacked material etc. that obstruct access.
  • Cleaned both internally and externally, dried, and compactly rolled.
  • Conditions (corrosion, leakage etc) of drum hose, nozzle, stopcock and cabinet. Lubrication as required.
  • Condition of parts – valves, glands etc and functionality of each role.
  • Any misuse / unintended use should be prevented.
  • Water flow pressure test.
  • Hydrostatic test to detect any defect or leak especially if the hose has been exposed to chemical or severe stress. During the test, the hose is completely run out and subjected to operational pressure.
  • After the test, it should be dried and secured with Velcro strap.

Guideline for maintenance of sprinkler system

Action Grading criteria Freq.
  • Removal of any obstruction affecting efficient discharge from sprinklers.
  • Any sign of corrosion or deposit of dirt, paint or foreign material.
4x / yr
  • Availability of spare sprinklers and sprinkler spanner
  • Water level and automatic refilling facilities of all water storage tank
  • Visual condition of all sprinkler – any sprinkler which is painted, corroded, damaged or loaded with foreign material is replaced immediately.
4x / yr
  • Pipes and hangers for corrosion and mechanical damage – may be cleaned, painted or replaced.
  • Replace all sprinklers in hood over cooking equipment.
Water supply (fire pumps & tanks)
  • Removal of any combustible and stacked materials from pump room.
  • Lubrication of pump parts with oil/ grease as necessary.
  • After cleaning strainer, lubricate the external alarm water motor and gong.
  • Cleaning of motor starter and all heavy current contacts. Worn parts should be replaced.
  • Cleaning and replacement (if needed) engine fuel sludge and sediment trap, oil/ air filter. Oil may be changed as per manufacturer’s instruction.
  • Interior and exterior of the sprinkler tank, its inlet and outlet. Painting recommended. .
  • Flushing of system pipe work to avoid sedimentation.
1x/ 3yr
Check & record
  • Easy and visible access to breeching inlet.
  • Water level and auto refilling facility of all water storage tanks.
  • Operation of water alarm gong.
  • With gauge, pressure is checked at installations and water supply.
  • Diesel fuel oil level
  • Any unusual noise, vibration or over heating of pumps.
  • Auto interchangeability of duty and standby pumps.
  • Engine pump – at rated speed for min 30 min and check operating temp
  • Operate water flow alarm switches of 10 mm test valve to simulate fire. Weekly rotation must cover all on quarterly basis.
4x / yr
  • All pressure switch for its internal mechanism, secured mounting and proper functioning. Pressure flow for water supply should also be checked.
  • Electric pump: upon simulation of fire condition, should start operating in 30 sec without any vibration or noise. Special attention should be paid to pressure, gland operation, alarms, priming water etc.
  • Compression–ignition engine driven pumps: run for 10 min to check for belt drives, leaks, battery position, charger, speed and sign of ‘out of balance’.
  • Electric pumps: run for min 5 minutes with secondary power.
  • Engine driven pumps: run for min 30 min to check load current per phase for vibration.
4x / yr
  • Removal of dust, dirt, scale and rust.
  • Parts are painted or lubricated.
As per follow-ing table
Check & replace
  • If parts are missing, fastened tightly and checked if operating freely. Usually gasket and washers go missing if not handled carefully.
  • Any damaged parts replaced by parts of same material and size, preferably of same make. If suggested by manufacturer, the whole valve is replaced.
  • Work tools should be of proper size and category to avoid damage.
  • Overall functioning of the element.
  • After testing / maintenance, reset to the position for immediate functioning.

Recommended maintenance of various valves and other control device:

Control device Maintenance action Frequency
W M Q Y 2 5
Stop valve Secured in the open or closed position as appropriate.
Isolating valve Inspect general condition and function for all water supply.
Non return valve Inspect general condition and function – should be sealed.
Automatic air valve Inspect general condition and function
Test for functioning and inspect the interior.
Control valve Inspect valves that are sealed.
Inspect if secured with locks and tamper switches.
Operate through its full range and return to normal position.
Test valve supervisory switches.
Lubricate the operating stems of outside screw & yoke valves
Check valve Internally inspect.
Landing valve Check the condition of valves, its outlet and cap.
Drain valve Check the overall condition.
Pressure reducing and relief valve Inspect all valves for sprinkler, hose connection, hose rack etc.
Inspect all fire pump pressure relief valves.
A full flow test on each valve for the hose connection.
Verify pressure with manufacturer’s instruction manual.
Pre action and deluge valve Externally inspect.
Inspect the interior and conduct a full flow test.
Inspect strainer, filter, orifice, diaphragm chamber internally.
Test the priming water level in supervised pre-action systems.
Test low air pressure alarms
Pressure regulating valve


Inspect general condition.
Test and inspect the interior.
Inspect gauges on both wet and dry sprinkler system
Inspect gauges which involves air pressure supervision
Test thoroughly the whole system and replace all gauges.
Alarm Valve Externally inspect the general condition.
Internally inspect the valve, strainer, filter & restriction orifice.
Flow meter


Check general condition.
Test flow meters and flow switch.
Test water flow alarm and supervisory devices.

W= weekly; M= monthly; Q= quarterly; Y= yearly; 2= 1x/ 2 year; 5= 1x/ 5 years
Note: After test or inspection, the system is reset at working condition

Guideline for maintenance of portable fire extinguishers

Action Grading criteria Freq.
  • Proper position (designated location, hung properly with label facing out).
  • Access or visibility not unobstructed.
  • Fullness by weighing or hefting.
  • Working condition – nozzle, vent holes, horn hose and valve, etc are clean and working properly.
  • The pressure gauge is in operative range / condition.
  • Any sign of corrosion of the body of extinguisher.
  • Maintenance or servicing activity should not damage or affect its function.
  • Note: frequency is shorter in case of hazardous conditions (SS CP 55).
Replace & recharge
  • Replaced with same type and at least of equal rating. The same rule applies for parts like pressure such as gauge.
  • After thorough cleaning, recharged with the same agent only. No mixing or cross contamination is allowed.
  • No overfilling. filling as per manufacturer’s instruction or BS 6643-1.
  • Recharging frequency as per type of extinguisher (SS CP 55):
Disposable type N/A
Chemical foam, mechanical foam (gas cartridge or stored pressure) or water (stored pressure) 1x/2.5yr
Water (gas cartridge), powder (gas cartridge or stored pressure) 1x/5yr
Carbon dioxide, Halon 1301, Halon 1211 1x/10yr
Test & record Hydrostatic test are conducted as recommended by code. Hose nozzles are tested in the same interval as the extinguishing agent. An extinguisher should be discarded without testing in case of (BS 5306-3:2003):

  • Corrosion, wear or damage to threads of any pressure-retaining parts or at welded parts.
  • Extensive general corrosion or severe pitting;
  • Significant dents or gouges in the body;
  • Fire damage to the body or body fittings.
Water, AFFF, FFFP, antifreeze, carbon dioxide 1x/5yr
Dry chemical, halogenated agent 1x/10yr
Non rechargeable dry chemical, halogens Replace
  • Faults, replacement, repairs and service reports in a log book.
  • Same information noted on tag / label of individual extinguisher.
As done

Guideline for maintenance of fire door

Action Grading criteria Freq.
  • Removal of any obstruction or stacked material that hinders door operation.
  • Sensors, door plate etc kept free from dirt, paint, foreign material.
Check & record
  • Condition of heat activated door seals for missing or damaged parts, or if not making adequate contact with adjacent components (for smoke control).
  • Accuracy of gap (rubbing or > 5mm) between the perimeter of the door and the adjacent frame.
  • Integrity of door leaf for superficial damage, structural damage and excessive bowing or deformation.
  • Hinges: condition of screws of hinges – properly tightened.
  • Latch: bolt moves freely and projects fully, especially when engaged and the correct alignment of the striking plate
  • Bolts: ability to make secure and accurate contact – especially the screws.
  • Automatic release mechanisms tested in accordance with BS 5839-3.
  • Condition of pull handle – tightly fixed and easy operation.
  • The letter-plates should be intact and closing efficiently.
  • Face fixed plates are properly fixed with screws.


  • Recording in a log book about location or numbering to identify each door, types of defect and action taken to rectify the same.
As done
  • Hinges to be lubricated with light machine oil (as per manufacturer’s instruction) to prevent accelerated wearing, rusting or noisy operation.
  • For a latch, light lubrication is needed for: (1) the sides and striking face of the latch bolt; and (2) pin tumbler and disc tumbler cylinders.
  • All bolts.
  • For heavy usage or abnormal environmental conditions e.g. high temperature, or low humidity, the lubrication should be frequent.
4x/ yr
Repair & replace
  • Doors designed to provide fire resistance periods of 120 min or more should be replaced, not repaired.
  • Except minor repair (e.g. lipping), a door leaf should be replaced by a new door of same fire rating.
  • Localized repair (e.g. replacement of the framing members or facings) by manufacturer or done as per manufacturer’s instruction.

 Guideline for maintenance of services for fire escape

Action Grading criteria Freq.
Emergency lighting
  • Dusting for charger, inverter and other components.
  • Removal of dirt, dust from lamps, light emitting and reflecting surfaces.
  • Battery containers are wiped with moist cloth.
  • All battery cell connections are cleaned and coated with petroleum jelly.
Check & record
  • Battery voltage and charging current as per manual.
  • Cleanliness of terminals, electrolyte level or any corrosion in cabinet.
  • Function of luminaries and exit signs of self-contained system
  • Function of luminaries and exit signs of central battery system.
  • Electrolyte density & charge for 10% randomly selected. lead acid battery
  • Visual defect, tightness of connection for charger, inverter, lamp, relay etc.
  • For all batteries, electrolyte level, any leakage, corrosion, voltage.
2x /yr
  • Electrolyte density and charge in cell for all lead acid batteries.
  • In O&M manual, data recorded for battery, charger, inverter, luminaries, installation plan, wiring diagram and maintenance schedule.
As done
Calibrate & test
  • Function of changeover device and indicating lights with simulation test.
  • Discharge test of central battery system
2x / yr
  • Discharge test of self-contained lighting battery.
  • Voltmeter and ammeter function for charger and inverter.
  • Earth fault detection system of charger.
  • Low voltage alarm.
Smoke control system
Check & test


Visual inspection of general working conditions of initiating devices, fans, dampers, controls, ducting, piping, cables, ventilating screens and windows. Weekly
Testing of whole system by licensed personnel 2x/yr
Faults, replacement and minor repairs are recorded in a log book As done