Defect Library

The defect library offers a user-friendly platform with a wide collection of different types of building defects and their causes, highly supported with visual illustrations, photographs, animations and mechanism diagrams. A compilation of best practices, maintenance and diagnostic techniques, and remedial methods is also presented.

Building Components

Green Building technologies

Material Manual

Material manual offers information about building materials used in façade, internal wet areas, basements and roofs. It focuses on the various performances including durability, sustainability and cleanability of materials under tropical conditions as climatic conditions in the tropics are much harsher than those in temperate climate due to the large diurnal temperature range and high relative humidity; the same materials would perform differently in differing climatic conditions.

This guideline will provide a comprehensive reference for the various industry participants (designers, building owners and managers), and will enable them to select appropriate materials that contribute to long-term performance of building throughout its lifetime.

Non-Destructive Tests

A non-destructive test (NDT) is defined as “test conducted to detect internal, surface or concealed defects or laws in materials using techniques that do not cause any damage to the items being tested”.

All non-destructive tests are developed based on well-established physical principles to provide information on the quality of a material or component. This section provides an initial introduction to the test and presents the basic workings and main features for each test. The rules or standards on which each test is based on are also illustrated by way of diagrams.


This section describes some commonly accepted repair methods for different applications. Examples of proprietary repair systems available in the market are given. Users should use these examples only as a reference.

COMASS Calculator

Maintainability Scoring System

The Maintainability Scoring System (MSS) helps owner to select more maintainable building alternatives for projects. This system seeks to appraise the various factors that could affect long-term maintainability of buildings and provide optimum design solutions for individual building components. The term “maintainability” of buildings may be expressed as “achieving optimum performance throughout the building life span within minimum life cycle cost.