General defects in hoistway area

Dirty, dusty, damp, stuffy hoistway

  • Causes
  1. Ventilation provision inadequate, not functioning, churns dust
  2. Inner surface with projection or finish that accumulates dust
  3. Water seepage through the structure
  4. After maintenance (esp lubrication) not cleaned
  5. Inadequate running clearance between car and hoistway hampers cleaning

Various defects in electrical Installation

  • Causes
  1. A proper co-ordination with electrical team should be planned for all stages
  2. Patchwork maintenance by inexperienced person is most common in such case
    e.g. not-calibrated circuit breaks, haphazard wiring, wrong fuse wire, removal of trunking cover etc.
  3. Dust / dirt deposit into the hoist way jams Switch roller