Dirt Staining

Bird’s dropping which will partially shade the solar panels cells

Cause of Defect: Birds such as pigeons are the usual suspects.

Consequence: The current travelling through the solar cells is reduced since the partial area of the solar panels is shaded and covered by the bird’s dropping. This will lower the performance of the solar system and cause the unsightly image on the panels.

Osolarmio. (2011). The true story about energy loss. Retrieved March 25, 2011, from http://www.osolarmio.eu/the_true_solar_story.html


Dirt staining on solar panel (façade)

Cause of Defect: Rain and Moisture

Consequence: If no action is taken to remove the stain, it will increase the risk of damaging the solar panel through salt crystallisation. Stain also causes the facade to be aesthetically unpleasant.