Chokage of Discharge


Water stagnation due to chokage (at outdoor landscape)


Water stagnation due to chokage (at roof garden)

Design Guidelines
  • New gutters should be provided with stainless steel leaf covers, and should be located at or less than 15mm above ground level (SS 525:2006). (See also BS EN 1253-2:2015).
  • Locate drains at the edge of landscaped areas [1].
  • Drain inlets should be accessible, durable and appropriate for the climate zone [1].
  • Adhere to the landscape’s specifications for proper drainage layout and system as per BS 4428:1989.
Construction Guidelines
  • Provide eave gutters to maintain fall of 1 in 150 to prevent water ponding and debris build-up. Roof covering should not extend into the gutter, so as to accommodate easy cleaning and maintenance (SS 525:2006). (See also BS EN 1253- 2:2015).
  • Maintain construction quality control during the installation of green roof/ green wall components, waterproofing, pipes and fittings, and the planting of vegetation.
Maintenance Guidelines
  • Inspect and thoroughly clean rainwater pipe works, gutters and gratings annually (SS 525:2006). (See also BS 7370-5:1998).
  • Monitor conditions on a regular basis to head off problems such as insect attacks, disease, or soil problems.
  • Long term care requires periodic cleaning and sealing of joints and re-setting of grates and pavement finishes or turf grades due to settlement or silting [1].


[1] Harris, C.W. and Dines, N.T. (1998). Time Saver Standards for Landscape Architecture: Design and Construction Data (2nd ed.). USA: McGraw-Hill.

Normative References/Standards Referred to for Drainage 
• BS 4428:1989 — Code of practice for general landscape operations (excluding hard surfaces)
• BS 7370-5:1998 — Grounds maintenance. Recommendations for the maintenance of water areas
• BS EN 1253-2:2015 — Gullies for buildings. Roof drains and floor gullies without trap
• SS 525:2006 — Code of practice for drainage of roofs