Reinforcing Steel Corrosion and Low Permeability

The development of low permeability concrete, with a heightened resistance to chloride ion ingress holds the key to corrosion protection. High Reactivity Metakaolin will substantially increase a concrete’s resistance to chloride ingress by contributing to:

  • Reduced overall permeability (to water, salt solutions, vapor, gases)
  • Reduced chloride ion permeability
  • Reduction in size, and stabilization in chemistry of paste /steel interfacial zone
  • Reduce chloride content in pore water
  • Mitigated cracking caused by shrinkage and ASR
  • Maintenance of pore solution pH (>12.5)

The ultimate serviceability and durability of concrete depends on the permeability of concrete. This aspect of performance design, especially where first-time and long term life-cycle costs are major considerations, must be taken with due seriousness. This holds particular importance for major infrastructural projects and/or projects which will subject its concrete components to aggressive environments or exposure conditions, such as: bridge members and decks, parking structures, offshore and marine structures, pavement or repair overlays, building components, water resource facilities, and the like.