Case 5

BuildingShopping centre
LocationCeiling board (3rd storey)
Ventilation ModeCooling by air-conditioning
Sampling MethodTape sampling, Culturing
No. of Tape Samples1
No. of Cultured Samples (from tape)4
Medium UsedPotato Dextrose Agar (PDA)

Temperature (°C): 24.4
Relative Humidity (RH): 55.6
Wind Speed (m/s): 0.16




Building materials can be exposed to high levels of fungus spores when contact is made with dirty hands as dust contains dormant spores. The following cases found mould growing near access panels of false ceilings where infection can originate from soiled hands of technicians during maintenance or repairs where access to the ceiling plenum was required.

The plaza is a part-residential, part-shopping complex development along Bukit Timah Road. Mould was found growing on the false ceiling board on the 3rd storey along the edges of an access panel.



Stains and mould growth can be observed along the edges and the removable ceiling board. Blistering due moisture is also observed.

Identified Fungus
