Case 3






case 3

case 3

case 3

HDB outdoor
Location Hougang
Orientation East-West
Materials Ceramic Tiles
Surface Moisture Roof: 8.5%
Wall: 10%
Floor:  10%
Surface Temperature Roof: 28°C
Wall: 29.4°C
Floor: 28°C
Stain types Green, black and yellow patches
Stain size Almost all over the roof, wall and floor
Stain location Floor, gable, walls inside and outside, ceilings
Wind Speed 0.5%
Wind Direction East-West
Ambient Temperature 29.8°C
RH 68.6%


  • Excessive rainwater as a result of improper drainage and gutter system causes high relative humidity and surface moisture
  • The wind blow direct to building and building location is too close to plantation, therefore moulds spore from dead plants, dust, leaves attaches to building surface
  • Less maintenance of Multipurpose Hall after and before usage
  • High contents of atmosphere gas acids (SO2, CO and NO2 )
    • Clean up the contamination area with hydrogen peroxide-based cleaner such as HG mould spray