Case 1



Blistering due to defective construction

Type of Building: Public Residential

Most buildings are usually coated with paint to either enhance the aesthetics or as a protection coating against the weather. Thus, blistering is not uncommon as long as paint is present on surfaces.

Blistering is the formation of hollow projections underneath the paint film. It is usually known as the first stage in the development of peeling. This is because blisters will burst when internal water accumulates. The paint will then start to peel and fail.

There are basically 2 types of blistering: moisture blistering and temperature blistering.

This area is of a growing concern as most of the precast facade are moving towards smoother surfaces with painting over them for aesthetics. This is due to the reason of easy maintenance and less tendency to attract dust on the facade.

Thus the growing use of paint will expose higher blistering defects if not done properly.