General Pumps and Sewage Pumps


Probable causes for the defect

Design for Maintainability (DfM) Guidelines

Excessive vibration

Insufficient vibration damping causing wear-out of parts

       Dented pump impeller


  • Ensure that pumps are properly sized to meet the required pressure. Head loss, frictional loss and loss at bends should also be considered.
  • Sewage pumps should be able to handle long and fibrous material. If required, pre-treatment (e.g. crushing) is provided.
  • Specify variable speed drives (VSD) that are able to handle both maximum and variable demand.
  • Ensure that the pump is mounted on an isolation bed (e.g. 150mm insulated padding) and that no site adjustment in height or position should be done.


  • Conform to the installation of pumps as per manufacturer’s instructions. Ensure proper construction of isolation beds and installation/mounting of equipment.
  • Special attention should be given for tightness of joints, and alignment of bearings and pipes.
  • Conduct testing and commissioning of the auto and manual interchange of duty and standby pumps.


  • Lubricate pump parts with oil or grease as per manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Conduct routine check, clean motor starter and all heavy current contacts, and replace worn parts.
  • Visually check for any damage or missing parts (screw, nuts, strainer, etc.).
  • Ensure that after installation, pump is tested with power on mode for any unusual vibration, noise, leakage or burnt smell.
Water not enough hot / takes long time to appear
  • Wrong design results in excessive ‘dead leg (the pipe length of cold water allowed to run off before hot water appears at tap spout)
  • The primary and / or secondary circuit is not insulated to prevent heat loss or insulation damaged with time.
  • Short circuiting in the piping of the primary and secondary circuit. Combustible insulation of the primary and secondary circuit of the hot water cylinder melts after some time.





Even a light covering of scale, as seen on these tubes, is enough to mask serious corrosion of the metal underneath - masked that is until it is too late.

Corrosion and pitting


  • Piping material not corrosion resistant or galvanic corrosion. Timely action (e.g. paint is helpful).
  • Protective coating lost /damaged during installation–improperly done.
  • Hard water reaches a temperature > 60ºC forms scales.




Normative References/Standards Referred to for Air Handling Unit and Fan Coil Unit