TiO2 Coating



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References for Figures

  • Figure 1: Pilkington Group Limited (2012), “How self-cleaning glass works”, Retrieved from /http://www.pilkingtonselfcleaningglass.co.uk/how-it-works/S
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  • Figure 5: Poh, S.X.. (2011). Enhancing Green Buildings In Singapore Through The Use Of Nanostructured Titanium Dioxide. School of Building and Environment, National University of Singapore.
  • Figure 6: Kuiry, S. (2012). Advanced Scratch Testing for Evaluation of Coatings (1st ed.). Bruker. Retrieved from https://www.bruker.com/fileadmin/user_upload/8-PDF-Docs/SurfaceAnalysis/TMT/Webinars/ Advanced-Scratch-Testing-for-Evaluation-of-Coatings-Slides.pdf
  • Figure 7: Leroux, P. (2010). Nano Scratch Testing Nano Coating Samples (1st ed.). NANOVEA.
  • Figures 8 to 10: Guan, Z.. (2013). Performance of Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) Photocatalytic Coating in Singapore. Unpublished undergraduate dissertation. School of Building and Environment, National University of Singapore.
  • Figure 11, 14 to 17: Law, S.L.. (2015). Maintainability of TiO2 Coating in Tropical Conditions. Unpublished undergraduate dissertation. School of Building and Environment, National University of Singapore.
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  • Figure 18: Law, S.L.. (2016). Maintainability of TiO2 Coating in Tropical Conditions. Unpublished undergraduate dissertation. School of Building and Environment, National University of Singapore.