Case 2


Biological Growth on Floor Finishes due to Crack

The floor finishes in the walking path of the roof garden shows signs of algae growth on it caused by constant moisture on the surface and exposure to the environmental elements. The floor finishes show a green tint where the algae are starting to grow due to stagnation of water within the floor layers due to cracks on the surface which lets the water to infiltrate and stagnation therein.

While algae growth is aesthetically unpleasing it also poses a safety risk in this instance as the narrow walkway can be more slippery when wet due to the algae growth. This can cause slipping and falling of users of the roof garden. Therefore, the walkways have to be cleaned and clear of any biological growth during the operations and maintenance phase of the roof garden.

Algae: Water stagnation, water flowing from the planter is affected by shade and moisture