Long waiting time
- Causes
- Poor design consideration of expected traffic load.
- Sluggish movement of lift car due to dirt or wear on acceleration switches. Such problem is usually identified by computer tag.
- Car that moves too slow shows the hardware lift components is wearing and will make the travelling performance slower hence it will interrupt the waiting times
- Description of defect
Slow performance of elevator rides which can be caused by defective relay and time-worn of overall condition of the elevator, wrong design on population of passengers.
- Diagnostic/testing method
Waiting time and elevator speed should be checked on regular basis, by measuring the time spent to wait for an elevator during peak and off-peak periods. The recorded time should be compared to the baseline of elevator waiting times, or by comparing with the manufacturer’s specification.
- Good practices
Proper planning and design of elevator is essential in avoiding problem as long waiting times. Important factors to be considered include:
- Population of building users, calculated using occupancy area/person depending on type of building
- Handling capacity or maximum flow rate, which measured in terms of total number of passengers the system handled in interval of five minutes at the peak period of the day.
- Interval or quality of service required, also known as round trip time (RTT)
- Corrections
Elevator that use outdated mechanical relay control system, the lift owner should consider to upgrade with a new control system such as the. Upgrading to a new control system will reduce average wait time by 50%. In addition, replacing the hardware parts such as a new drive system will not significantly improve the system performance but a combination of hardware and software will reduce average wait times
Example of a microprocessor control panel [1]