Case 4



Waterproofing and sealing

Clean repair area with high-pressure water jet. Chisel grooves along major crack lines and along the suspected leaking areas. Apply a layer of crystal slurry on the floor and it will penetrate deeply into the capillary pores of the concrete, sealing the pores and shrinkage cracks by crystallization permanently. Allow chemical to cure.

Plug the grooves with water seal. When it cures, it expands and locks the affected areas making it a watertight seal. A coating of Cement Strengtheners Polymer cement slurry can be applied to give a stronger bonding capability, and with its waterproofing property, it is able to act as a waterproofing membrane which locks the infiltrated areas from further seepages. Allow chemical proceedings to cure. Water repellent may be sprayed on the slab in order to further strengthen the waterproofing ability.