

Defect and Repair

Defect Repair
dsc00475 Floor coating flaking/ blister caused by waterproofing failure or poor quality floor coating. Refer to waterproofing defect and repair.
11-043063722 Basement wall efflorescent caused by crystallisation of soluble slat in the substrate that diffuse to the surface and dry up. [10,11] Scrap and clean with proprietary efflorescent cleaner and top up with quality finishes
def1 Alligatoring

  • Incompatibility of top coating which is hard/ rigid (such as alkyd enamel) and the undercoat which is flexible (such as latex). [10]
  • Application of a top coat beofre the undercoat is dry. Movement differentiation caused by thermal expansion result in a loss of elasticity. [10]
Removing the paint & starting afresh or by allowing it to dry thoroughly & sanding down, filling & recoating the surfaces.
def2 Blistering

Moistures drawn through substrate to the paint surface. [11]

Ensure the surface is clean and dry before repaint. [11]
def3 chlking Chalking

It may due to aging or irresistance of blinder against weathering or chemical attack. It also may due to incompatibility of paint and the type of substrate. [11]

Wiping of loose particles and then repaint. In the case of severe chalking, surface has to be allowed to dry overnight before repainting. [11]
wrinkle Cissing/ Crawling

Poor surface preparation such as contaiminated surface with the presence of grease, moisture and chalk. [10,11].

Allow the paint film to dry thoroughly. Sand down, clean and then repair. [11]
mildew mildew2 Basement wall mildew

This may occur in damp areas that receive little or no sunlight such as basement. To use paint with mild dew resistant properties is necessary to aviod this problem. [10]

Scrub with a diluted bleach solution and leave on the surface before rinsing. Ensure the surface is free from dirt or organic material on which mild dew can feed. After dry, repaint with suitable paint. [10]
cracking Cracking

This can be resulted from either aging or from poor application such as wrong choice of paint and wrong surface preparation. [11]

Remove the paint film completely, clean the surface and repaint with the recommended paint. [11]


def8 peeling Peeling/ Flaking

Loss of adhesion within the paint system. It may involve only the top coat or some of them. Using good quality and suitable paint is necessary to avoid this defect. [10]

Scrape and wash with 5% solution of moriatic acid or undiluted vinegar. Rinse and ensure the surface to be dry before repaint. [10]

Note: For more defects, please refer to the Defect Library.