

Types and Durability



Expected Lifespan


Adjustment Factors
Shingle, side-locking and head-and-side locking tilesmanufactured to SS 70: 2001 although size may vary. Minimum tranverse strength to be 890N, water absorption not exceed 10.0%. 50+ 1st stage adjustment factor:

In industrial areas (heavy polluted): -15% years

In urban areas: -10% years

In suburban areas: -0% years

2nd stage adjustment factor:

Within 20m from express way: -20% years

Within 20m from major arterial road: -10% years

Within 20m from light traffic road: – 5% years

Test certificate from approved local testing authority : +15% years

Hand or Machine made clay plain tiles or pantilesmanufactured from well weathered or well prepared clay or marl in accordance with BS 402: 1990. Standard size 265 x 165 mm and not less than 10mm thick or more than 15mm thick. Minimum tranverse strength to be 778N, water absorption not exceed 10.5%. 35+
Hand or machine made clay tiles not complying with BS 402 or SS 70. Performance to be comparable to BS 402 or SS70 requirements. 35
Single lap clay pantiles with interlocking grooves on two sides only or on all four edges. Not to BS 402 or SS 70. < 10 None
Machine or hand made plain tiles not complying wiht the requirements of BS 402: 1990 in terms of water absorption, transverse strengths and/ or frost testing. < 10 None

Combination of adjustment factor (1st stage and 2nd stage) should be added to obtain the durability values. Refer to durability calculator.

Assumption: Plain tiles have either two nibs or one continous nibs as recommended by BS 402: 1990.

If aluminium or stainless steel or copper fixings are used, adjustment factors are provided for ferrous fixings:

  • Unprotected/ unplated ferrous fixings: -30% years
  • Galvanized or electroplated ferrous fixings: – 15% years

Every tiles fixed in accordance with BS 5534: Part 1.