Poor maintenance (cleaning) leads to staining. With regular cleaning and scrubbing, this type of defect can be effectively eliminated.
Fresh iron stains will generally yield to treatment with heavy duty cleaning compounds containing large proportions of trisodium phosphate. Fresh stains can be easily removed compared to established stains.
Apply cleaner with damp cloth, pad or sponge. Rub discolored surface until stain is removed. Rinse. Wipe dry and polish.
Heavy, stubborn rust stains can often be removed by oxalic acid stain remover compounds or a tri-chloro-melanine compound. Follow directions carefully.
For rust stains already formed on fixtures, dissolve oxalic acid crystals in hot water and add enough whiting or talc to make a soft paste. Apply this poultice to stain and let dry before removing. Rinse and polish. Use with care as it is corrosive.
Note: For more defects, please refer to the Defect Library.