Case 4



[1] Hutchinson A.R., Pagliuca, A. and Woolman, R. (1995) “Sealing and resealing of joints in buildings.” Construction and Building Materials, 9(6), 379-387.

[2] Chew, M.Y.L, Wong, C.W and Kang, L..H (1998) Building Facades: A guide to commmon defects in tropical climates, World Scientific, Singapore

[3] Clive Briffett (1995) Building maintenance technology in tropical climates, Singapore : Singapore University Press

[4] P.C. Sandeford & Dr S. Hurley (1994) Joint Sealant Surveys-Three Case Study Investigation, International Conference on Building Envelope Systems and Technology, 253-259

[5] J.Alum, L.W.Guan and M. Matthews (1994) Durability of building sealant systems in the tropical environment, International Conference on Building Envelope Systems and Technology, Singapore, 247-252

[6] D.W. Aubrey and J.C. Beech (1989) The influence of moisture on building joint sealants Building and Environment, Vol 24(2) , 179-190

[7] ASTM C719-93(1998) Standard Test Method for Adhesion and Cohesion of Elastomeric Joint Sealants Under Cyclic Movement (Hockman Cycle)

[8] BS 6093:1993 Code of practice for design of joints and jointing in buildings

[9] SS CP 96: 2002 Code of practice for curtain walls