Case 2


Maintenance and Diagnostics

  • Regular inspection is important to detect and identify existing defects immediately, so that corrective maintenance at early stages could be carried out to prevent further complexities [2].
  • Visual inspection techniques or instrumentation techniques can be used for regular inspections.
  • Dust with a water-dampened cloth. If the surface is very soiled, wash with a solution of mild, non-abrasive detergent and warm water. Wring a cloth nearly dry and work on a small section at a time, then rinse with clear water. Dry the surface quickly before continuing.
  • Periodic re-painting (about 5-7 years period) is required to keep the surface free from such peeling.

Diagnostics of Defect (see also NDT)

Moisture Meter
Paint Detector
An Introduction to Pinholes and Holidays – Porosity Detection – Courtesy of Elcometer

PosiTest AT- A – Automatic Adhesion Tester – Courtesy of DeFelsko