Roof/Sky Garden



  1. CUGE, Guidelines on General Maintenance for Rooftop Greenery (CS E07 2012), 2012.
  2. Growing Green Guide: A guide to green roofs, walls and facades in Melbourne and Victoria, Australia, 2014.
  3. Columbia Green Technologies, “Green Roof Maintenance,” n.d..
  4. Basic Information on Green Facades and Green Roofs, n.d..
  5. GreenGrid Roofs, “Green Roof Maintenance Guide,” n.d..
  6. “Routine maintenance of green roofs,” n.d..
  7. D. Killough, “Green Roof Maintenance Is Key to Integrity and Longevity,” 2015.
  8. “How should maintenance be managed?,” n.d..
  9. J. B. &. A. C. Yanders, “Introduction to the FLL Guidelines for the Planning, Construction and Maintenance of Green Roofing,” 2008.