Vertical Greenery



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References for photos provided:

  • Figures 1, 4 to 6: Chew, M. Y. L. and Conejos, S. (2016), “Developing a Green Maintainability Framework for Green Walls in Singapore”, Structural Survey, Vol. 34 No. 4, pp. 379-406.
  • Figure 2: DiXie, N. R. (2012), Perception study of vertical greenery systems in Singapore, NUS SDE DSpace, Singapore.
  • Figure 3: Yap, H. S. (2012), Maintainability of the Vertical Greenery System in Singapore, NUS SDE DSpace, Singapore.
  • Figure 7: Retrieved from
  • Figure 8: Sheweka, S. and Magdy, N. (2012), “Green Facades as a New Sustainable Approach Towards Climate Change”, Energy Procedia, Vol. 18, pp. 507 – 520.
  • Figure 9: Andrea Klettner (2012), Retrieved from