

Types and Durability


Marble (Metamorphic stones)

Expected Lifespan


Adjustment Factors
Natural Marble specified under Group A. Performance and specification to be confirmed with supplier. 35+ 1st stage adjustment factor:

In industrial areas (heavy polluted): -15% years

In urban areas: -10% years

In suburban areas: -0% years

2nd stage adjustment factor:

Contact with soluble salt: -30% years

Within 20m from express way: -20% years

Within 20m from major arterial road: -10% years

Within 20m from light traffic road: – 5% years

Quality relies on preservative or water repellent: -15% years

Test certificate from approved local testing authority : +15% years

Natural Marble specified under Group B. Performance and specification to be confirmed with supplier. 35+
Natural Marble specified under Group C. Performance and specification to be confirmed with supplier. 35+
Natural Marble specified under Group D. Performance and specification to be confirmed with supplier. 35+
Uninsured, i.e. natural marble neither specified nor in above groups < 35 None

Combination of adjustment factors (1st stage and 2nd stage) should be added to obtain the durability values. Refer to durability calculator.

Note: Marble Institute of America (MIA) has classified marble into 4 groups. The basis of this classification is the characteristics encountered in fabricating and has no reference whatsoever to comparative merit or value.

Group A: Sound marbles with uniform and favourable working qualities.

Group B: Consist of marble similar to group A but with less favourable working properties.
They have occasional natural faults, and a limited amount of repair is needed.

Group C: Marbles with uncertain variations in working quantities.
They contain flaws, voids, veins, and lines of separations and always require

Group D: Similar to Group C, but with a larger proportion of natural variations and with
maximum variation in working qualities.