


[1] BSI BS 6262: 1982; Glazing for Buildings.

[2] www.

[3] Czernik, Daniel E; Gaskets : design, selection, and testing; McGraw-Hill; New York; 1998

[4] Trechsel, Heinz R.; Manual on Moisture Control in Buildings; ASTM; Philadelphia; 1994

[5] Beall, Christine; Thermal and Moisture Protection Manual : for architects, engineers, and contractors; McGraw-Hill; New York; 1999

[6] Lstiburek, Joseph W; Moisture Control Handbook : principles and practices for residential and small commercial buildings; Van Nostrand Reinhold; New York; 1993

[7] Trethowen, H.A; Current Research in Building Moisture Control : presented at the Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand Annual Conference, 14-16 February 1983, Hamilton; Judgeford, N.Z. : Building Research Association of New Zealand , 1983


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