

Maintenance and Cleaning

Bricks Maintenance Cleaning Method Cleaning Frequency
First Grade designated bricks to SS 103: 1974. Includes facing brick. If efflorescence occurs, salt deposits to be brushed off.

Normal cleaning can be done using pressure-high foaming jet
with high foaming alkaline (chlorinated or non-chlorinated). Avoid acidic chemical.For stain/ spot cleaning:1. Mix one ounce of soap and one ounce of table salt with enough water ; or2. Make a thick mixture of soap or detergent, pumice, a little ammonia and hot water. Using alkali and a mild abrasive to remove the greasy soil; or

3. Shave a bar of naphtha soap into a container and add 3 quarts of water. Bring mixture to a full boil until the soap melts. Cool. Add 1 cup ammonia and one pound of pumice. Brush in onto all sooty surfaces and let stand one hour or more. Rub off with a stiff- bristle brush. Rinse “gook” away with warm water, then finish off with a medium to strong detergent and rinse again with warm water; or

4. Dissolve 8 tablespoons (1/2 cup) Tri-sodium Phosphate (TSP) in 1 gallon of hot water. Rinse with plenty of warm water. Repeat if soot or greasy stain is not removed. More TSP may be added if necessary, up to 1 cup per gallon.


Minimum once a year
Second Grade designated bricks to SS 103: 1974 If efflorescence occurs, salt deposits to be brushed off.
Third Grade designated bricks to SS 103: 1974 If efflorescence occurs, salt deposits to be brushed off.
Non designated bricks as to SS 103: 1974 None