Reinforced Concrete


Types and Durability

Reinforced Dense Concrete
Expected Lifespan
Adjustment Factors
In-situ floor slab complying with BS 8110: Parts land 2, with cover to steel complying with Table 3.3 and specified to match the appropriate exposure category selected from Table 3.2. Minimum nominal cover to all reinforcement of 20mm. Minimum content 275kg/m³.
i.e. flush slab; beam and slab; drop slab; and waffle-grid slab
35+ Structural members subjected to ‘very severe’ exposure conditions to Table 3.2 of BS 8110: Part 1, without additional surface protection: -30% years.
Unclassified, i.e. floor slab not complying with BS 8110: Parts 1 and 2. <35+