Case 1


Maintenance and Diagnostics

Inspection should be done annually to ensure the buildings are in good condition and to identify necessary repairs in accordance with BS 6150, SS 542 or equivalent. Walls that are lightly soiled should be washed with water and mild detergent. For severe soiling, wash with a strong alkali solution in warm water. The walls should be repainted regularly. Repair hairline cracks by repainting the wall with a flexible sealant/elastomeric paint to seal the cracks. For wider cracks, engage a contractor to carry out repair works. Conduct regular inspections with the aid of paint detectors to identify latent paint problems. When a paint is found to be unsound, remove it. Do not repaint over the blister as the unsound paint has suffered from poor adhesion with the substrate. When necessary, conduct paint adhesion test (pull-off).
Ensure unsound paint is stripped back to sound substrate before a new paint is applied.

Diagnostics of Defect (see also NDT)

Moisture Meter

Paint Detector

An Introduction to Pinholes and Holidays – Porosity Detection – Courtesy of Elcometer


PosiTest AT- A – Automatic Adhesion Tester – Courtesy of DeFelsko