Resin-based Slate


Maintenance and Cleaning

Types Maintenance / Cleaning Cleaning Frequency
Resin based manmade slates*. Water absorption to BS 2782 Part 4 or ASTM C 406-00 Grade S1. Acid immersion to BS 680 Part 2. Strength to BS 2782 Part 3 or ASTM C 406-00 Grade S1. Other test data also required Inspection:

A visual inspection on a regular basis to determine if only damage to the roofing components.

Replace damaged tile as required.

Fading and weathering of the surfaces is to be expected


Periodic cleaning by water jet pressure to remove stains and dirts

However, water pressure jet may not safe for some type of shingles, as it can cause damage and causing asphalt granules to be removed.

Alternatively, chemical solution with no chlorine can be used.

Once a year
Resin based manmade slates with no evidence of performance characteristics for water absorptions, acid immersion, strength, freeze/ thaw resistance and/ or wet/ dry cycling.