Homogeneous Tile


Types and Durability


Homogeneous Tiles

Expected Lifespan


Adjustment Factors
Polished homogeneous tiles tested to ISO 10545
1st stage adjustment factor: 

In industrial areas (heavy polluted): -15% years

In urban areas: -10% years

In suburban areas: -0% years

2nd stage adjustment factor: 

Within 20m from express way: -20% years

Within 20m from major arterial road: -10% years

Within 20m from light traffic road: – 5% years

Within 20m from sea water/ area prone to salt spray: -15% years

Test certificate from approved local testing authority : +15% years

Matt finished homogeneous tiles tested to ISO 10545
Rock finished homogeneous tiles tested to ISO 10545
Structured finished homogeneous tiles tested ISO 10545
Homogeneous tile not tested to ISO 10545
Unclassified. i.e. any material. Quality/duty not specified
< 5

Combination of adjustment factors (1st stage and 2nd stage) should be added to obtain the durability values. Refer to durability calculator.

Notes: Test certificate from approved local testing authority shall comply with SS 483:2000 tests indicating the suitability or specification of tiles for wall and floor; based on water absorption, scratch resistance etc.