Concrete Block


Types and Durability


Concrete blocks


Expected Lifespan


Adjustment Factors
Dense aggregate blocks manufactured in accordance with BS 6073 Parts 1 and 2 with compressive strengths between 10.6 and 35 N/mm² 35+ 1st stage adjustment factor:

In industrial areas (heavy polluted): -15% years

In urban areas: -10% years

In suburban areas: -0% years

2nd stage adjustment factor:

Within 20m from express way: -20% years

Within 20m from major arterial road: -10% years

Within 20m from light traffic road: – 5% years

Within 20m from sea water/ area prone to salt spray: -15% years

Test certificate from approved local testing authority : +15% years

Dense aggregate or lightweight aggregate blocks manufactured in accordance with BS 6073 Parts 1 and 2 with compressive strengths between 7.1 and 10.5 N/mm² 35+
Dense aggregate, lightweight aggregate or aerated blocks manufactured in accordance with BS 6073 Parts 1 and 2 with compressive strengths between 5.9 and 7.0 N/mm² 35+
Dense aggregate, lightweight aggregate or aerated blocks manufactured in accordance with BS 6073 Parts 1 and 2 with compressive strengths between 2.8 and 5.8 N/mm² 35+
Unlcassified, i.e. blocks of indeterminate strength and/or not manufactured in accordance with BS 6073 Parts 1 and 2. Blocks of compressive strengths less than 2.8 N/mm² < 35+ None

Combination of adjustment factors (1st stage and 2nd stage) should be added to obtain the durability values. Refer to durability calculator.