Mild Steel


Defect and Repair

Mild Steel Defect Repair

Fungal Growth

Fungal growth, is resulted from the presence of fungal spores, moisture and nutrients from dirt of various types. [12]

Spot test with sodium hypochlorite solution can be carried out for identifcation purposes. Chlorine concentration should preferably be above 3%.

Wash down with a 2% sodium hypochlorite solution or commercial bleach, with a small amount of detergent.

Apply a solution with soft bristle brush and left for 3-5 min then rinse. [12]



Lichen is a growth incorporating both fungus and algae. Its appearance on roof is quite distinctive. [12]



Metal roof failed to maintain waterproofing integrity

Repair the affected area. If the area too large then the major replacement has to be done.

Coating and insulation has to be re-installed.

Notes: Table below shows the dilution required for different strength bleaches to give a 2% solution.

% Sodium hypochlorite or % available chlorine in bleach (by weight) (NB: 10g/L = 1%) Dilution to give 1L of 2% sodiumhypochlorite solution
10% 200ml bleach + 100mL water
5% 400mL bleach + 600 mL water
4% 500mL bleach + 500mL water
3% 670mL bleach + 330mL water
2% No dilution required

Source: [12]

For more defects, please refer to the Defect Library.