Plastic Pipes


Types and Durability


Plastic pipes

Expected Lifespan


Adjustment Factors
uPVC to SS 141 : 1976, SS 213 : 1998 for soil, waste and vent applications, SS 272: 1983 for drainlines and sewers. Joints and fittings for use with unplasticized PVC pressure pipes shall comply with SS 174: 1977. 30 Pipes embedded in screed but not plastic sheated or fully wrapped: limited to 5 years.

Pipes embedded in screed and plastic sheated or fully wrapped: -15% of no. of years

Mains water below 7pH: -15% of no. of years

Test certificate from approved local testing authorities: +15% of no. of years

Plastic pipes or tubes not specified as above < 30

In the case of 2 or more condition of adjustment factor occur, the percentage of year shall be added to obtain the durability value.


  • All non-metallic material in contact with water shall comply with SS 375 : 1994 or BS 6920 : 1990 and clause 8 of SS 375: Part 1 : 1994. Non-metallic seat washers shall also comply with BS 3457 : 1973.
  • All elastomeric seals for joints in pipework, pipelines and water fittings shall comply with SS 270 : 1996.
  • AS 3518 Part 1 & Part 2 : 1988: ABS pipes and fitting for pressure application