Case 1


Cause of Defects



  • Ineffective waterproofing membrane around the floor trap may lead to moisture seepage, creating a moisture pressure under the paint film. The paint coating thus peels and flakes (Figure 1). Ineffective waterproofing may be due to lack of design detailing, poor application or deterioration as in general, durability of waterproofing membrane is 10 – 15 years.


  • Poor quality of concrete such as low permeable concrete and porous concrete that may be due to poor workmanship may provide passage for water seepage when waterproofing membrane fails (Figure 2).


  • Another possibility for such defect to occur is the incorrect application of paint system to the wall. Paint coat might be applied over the surface before the previous layer is able to dry out. Thus serious flaking can be taken place (Figure 3).

Other possible causes may include,

  • Use of lower quality paint that has inadequate adhesion and flexibility.
  • Over-thinning or overspreading the paint.
  • Inadequate surface preparation, or applying the paint to bare wood without first applying a primer.
  • Excessive hardening and embrittlement of alkyl paint as the paint job ages.